On the 21st of July, we attended our English lessons in the morning. We learnt the different uses of the verb "to take", depending on the word that appears after, for example: take up, take on...When we finished, we went to the Town Hall, because we had a meeting with the Mayor of Leamington. He was really nice with us, even he invited us to have a cup of tea or coffee and some biscuits! Father Jesus and Laura had prepared a speech so as to let him know who we were, what we were doing in Leamington...and also, some of us gave him their personal opinion about Leamington. We asked him some questions and to finish with, he showed to us the different rooms the Town Hall has: the meeting room, his office... Besides, we gave him a present, Idiomas Padre Manyanet's bag, which really surprised him.
In the afternoon, we played a Leamington Quiz, consisting of answering some questions about the history of Leamington by reading the Notice Boards set in the town. It was difficult; however, it helped us to know more things about the town where we have spent three weeks.