Friday 4 July 2014


July 3rd

Ayer fuimos al colegio, que tiene unos bonitos jardines. Allí hicimos un test, por el que nos dividieron en los grupos adaptados a nuestro nivel.
Estuvimos en el colegio dando clases. Luego, comimos la comida que nos habían preparado a cada uno nuestras familias.
Luego fuimos a Cork (ciudad) y nos dejaron una hora para comprar... La mayoría del tiempo estuvimos en "Carrols", una tienda irlandesa muy famosa de recuerdos irlandeses.
Luego, estuvimos con nuestras familias hasta las siete, y nos llevaron a la discoteca. Fué un día divertido.

Yesterday, we went at school, that has beautiful gardens. There, we did a test, for seeing our level of English. and the teachers divided into four groups, adapted for our English levels.
We were in the school, taking lessons and then we ate the food that our families prepared for us.
Later, we went to Cork and we had one hour for going shopping. We stayed in "Carrols", a very famous shop of presents from Ireland.
Then, we went to our families for having dinner. Finally, we went to the disco and danced. It was fun!!!