Tuesday 22 July 2014

July 22nd

Hoy es el último día. Por la mañana hemos ido al colegio como todos los días. En el colegio hemos hecho un cuestionario sobre Cobh y luego nos han dado unos diplomas. Después del colegio, hemos comido y luego hemos hecho deporte.
Posteriormente, nos fuimos a casa para cenar. Luego fuimos a la bolera. Aunque es el último día, me lo pasé muy bien con mis amigos.

Today is the last day. In the morning, we went to school like every day. In the school we did a questionnaire of Cobh and then, we obtained certificates. After school, we ate the lunch and then, we did sports.
After that, we returned at home for having dinner.
Finally, we went to play bowling. Although it is the last day I was really happy with my friends.


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